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Hello Friends,

Right now I am in the garden in our front yard pulling weeds, join me as we enjoy the fresh air and the flowers. Working in the garden always gets my thoughts in order. Its so peaceful. Its been a crazy week but I think in the midst of it all, God has been showing me something that we all truly struggle with. Accepting that you, yes YOU are beautiful. If you struggle with this, you are not alone for I struggled with this myself. Lets pull out these weeds of rejection and watch the garden bloom.

"I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. My soul knows it well." -Psalm 139:14

God made you with his own hands, he designed you to breathe, to think, to run, to jump, to sing, to laugh, to cry: To live. He created you with loving care and designed you with all his heart. For the longest time I struggled with beauty. I was always never a popular or a pretty girl. I was always awkward, super shy, quiet and could never fit in. I was self conscious and insecure. I am also a dancer making it harder for me to accept myself as beautiful. I struggled with my weight. I struggled with my looks. I struggled with acceptance. I was afraid to speak my mind. But as I grew older, I started to see that God made me this way for a reason. He made you the way you are for several reasons. To find yourself. To find Him. To find your true beauty. According to the definition of beautiful is: Having beauty, possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, to hear, to think about; etc delighting the senses of the mind.

"The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outer appearance but the Lord looks at the heart." -1 Samuel 16:17

nothGod doesn't look at outer beauty because this type of beauty fades away. It may be pretty now but as you grow older, it fades away. Instead, He looks into our hearts. That is where true beauty lies. It is in our hearts that God sees as precious as you seek after him. He sees you as beautiful just as you are. There is Nothing that can separate you from the love of God. He sees you as a jewel because you are his sons and daughters. As you grow and lean on purity, honesty, love, mercy and all the virtues it talks about in Philippians 4:8. Your heart becomes even more beautiful. He delights in you. Yes the King of Heaven and Earth delights in you. Inner beauty is in the heart.

"They shall be mine says the Lord of Host. On the day that I make them My jewel." -Malachi 3:17 It is our imperfections that make us unique. No one is perfect. If you were the same as everyone else, life would be just cloned. Beneath the average person is an amazing, goofy, weird person that is special in there own way. It is people, different feelings, characteristics, personalities that make the world go around. To every person who secretly thinks of themselves as ugly, fat, weird, horrible, unworthy, sinful and no good... just wanted to let you know you are beautiful in God's eyes. He accepts you as you are, no matter how much junk you have in your life. He treasures you and loves you so much that he went through pain, hate and most of all, death to free you from those thoughts. Now you have the power to say, NO to those lies the enemy tears you down with.

" For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared for us beforehand, that we should walk in them." -Ephesians 2:10 We are created for good. God chose us to be his people when we put our faith and believe in Him. Let us walk in victory knowing that we are people of God and are used for His good. In the eyes of a king, we are diamonds and rare jewels. How wonderful is that? I really like this verse.

"The Lord directs in the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." -Psalm 37:23

That's all for now. If you ever need to talk, my email is up there and just remember, God is on your side. He wants you to come as you are. He sees past the junk, past the sin, past the shame and sees a precious and beautiful glass. He sees you for who you are.

Have a beautiful day!



Hi There

Hello, I am just popping in to let you know you can reach out to me or comment or whatever you like. Im here for you.

Happy Blogging! Cheers xox

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"And the decision to forgive has stayed the same, and it will stay the same a thousand times over.
It's a beautiful gift.
And choosing love over hatred is really important.
Love over evil.
That's really important in this age that we're living in." 
-Yolande Korkie



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