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Slaying Goliath

Hello Friends,

Right now I am watching the beautiful sunset. California has one of the most glorious sunsets. Lately, with all this talk about war, politics and fights, we often forget that there is spiritual warfare here on this earth. The enemy has been stinking up our world with sin, destruction and death. I am so sick of living and seeing this sin, this stench of death and the destruction and I have been defeated but God has been revealing to me this simple truth about a young man who faced battle. This young man was called David. He was facing an army that was hungry for the bloodshed of his people. This young and little David boldly told King Saul that he would fight this big giant. To the king, he declared,

“The Lord who delivered me from the paw of a lion and the paw of a bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” 1 Samuel 17:37

David whole-heartedly believed God would meet him in the battle. When my sister was learning to drive, I was terrified for my life and would scream at her directions because I felt like she wouldn’t be able to handle it. I have to admit I am a backseat driver with her crazy driving and I also backseat drive with my own life. I often struggle with trusting people and always try to do everything on my own. Especially with God. I try to do everything until I can’t anymore. Trusting fully in Him is a huge weakness of mine.

David was a man of great faith. He believed that God would meet him wherever he was and fill in the empty gaps between the plan and “whatever happens” He will deliver us.

Facing Goliath, David said,

“ You come to me with a sword, spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” -1 Samuel 17:14

After he spoke those powerful words, he took his sling and killed the giant man with a small rock. Because of the love, suffering and sacrifice Jesus made for us, we can walk in full victory. Full truth. We can call upon His name with power and truth for what we need. God will deliver us and meet us in the gaps between the plans we make and whatever happens. There is victory, there is healing, there is freedom in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel.

So dear friend, be strong, be courageous, have the bold faith of David and slay your Goliaths today.

Have a wonderful day!

Xox Bri

Hi There

Hello, I am just popping in to let you know you can reach out to me or comment or whatever you like. Im here for you.

Happy Blogging! Cheers xox

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It's a beautiful gift.
And choosing love over hatred is really important.
Love over evil.
That's really important in this age that we're living in." 
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