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A Lonely Heart

Hello Friends,

Grab your favorite tea and sit down with me. I want to share something that is etched upon each and every heart. This has been a subject I have wrestled with for a long time. Some of you may know my back story; I am profoundly deaf but use a hearing device. This allows me to hear 50% of the time. Although I am incredibly thankful to hear, it makes it a challenge to listen in a group setting. Recently, for my birthday, three of my friends and I went out for dinner at a small and loud pizza parlor and sat outside. The music was playing and other people were chatting. It was so loud I could not hear a thing. I was sitting with three of my closest friends, watching their lips move, seeing them laugh and interact without a clue what they were saying. In frustration and near tears, I just gave up, put a fake smile on my face and ate my food. I remember feeling so alone. The loneliness that settles in the bones and sends an icy chill upon the heart. God wants you to know, He is right there with you.

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword." -Romans 8:33

Some of you may have had an experience where you dealt with loneliness as well. Surrounded by people but not belonging anywhere. Sitting by yourself, wishing you could talk with at least one person. Tired of being just with yourself. When that ache of loneliness pings in your heart, I want to remind you, When you got loneliness etched on your heart, Jesus is singing of His love over you.

" The Lord your God is with you, the mighty warrior who saves. He will take delight in you in His love, he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing."

-Zephaniah 3 :17

How incredible is that? The Lord sings over you. We get so caught up in the business of life and trying to live by the society's standards that we often forget that we do not have to do life alone. God created a sense of community in our hearts but often through sin and the destruction of the enemy, communities and friendships are torn down and broken. However, there is one hope that we can lean on; the hope a heavenly place. A place where you are a part of along with thousands of others. A people longing for acceptance, healing and family. Paul knew about this as he encourages us to remember what lies at the end of this life.

"I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." -Philippians 3:14

In heaven, there is a place where people all over the world are welcomed to this big banquet feast. Everyone is welcomed including you, YES YOU!! You have an invite to this most amazing party that Jesus is throwing. There is a seat in heaven, at the table for you. It has your name on it. Earth is just a temporary place but heaven with Jesus is eternal where the door is wide open and there is a place for you at the table. When loneliness seeps in to your heart, remember there is going to be a day where you will be joined with Jesus and your brothers and sisters from all over the world to feast and glorify The Lord forever. All of us who are broken people including sinners, liars, cheaters, drug addicts, rapists, robbers, thieves, murders, abusers are given a second chance for healing with Jesus.

"On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine-- the best of meats and the finest of wines.There he will remove the cloud of gloom, the shadow of death that hangs over the earth.He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign LORD will wipe away all tears. He will remove forever all insults and mockery against his land and people. The LORD has spoken!" -Isaiah 25:6-8

My dear friends, loneliness may be looming but the invite is open to sit with Jesus and feast. All you need to do to R.S.V.P. for this party in heaven is to accept God's grace and mercy upon you. To believe that out of love, He died for you and surrender your heavy burdens of worry, fear and shame to Him and accept Jesus in to your heart.

I can not wait to see you there! If you need to talk or anything, my email is up there.

Have a beautiful day! xox


Hi There

Hello, I am just popping in to let you know you can reach out to me or comment or whatever you like. Im here for you.

Happy Blogging! Cheers xox

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"And the decision to forgive has stayed the same, and it will stay the same a thousand times over.
It's a beautiful gift.
And choosing love over hatred is really important.
Love over evil.
That's really important in this age that we're living in." 
-Yolande Korkie



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