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Hello Friends,

This week I was in a bit of a funk. I was laying in my bed all day trying to block out the world with messy hair, p.js and no makeup. I did not want to do anything but sleep and watch T.V. Have you ever had those days? It happens more than often for me. To be honest, this year of college was intense and has wiped me out. I was so busy with trying to get all my work done and worrying about my grades and life that I had shut down my feelings. Basically I felt like I was in survival mode. Now that I have summer break, I have a moment to breathe and try to piece myself back together. I started to notice somehow along the way, I had stopped praying. The lack of prayer can cause damage.

What is the definition of prayer? I think of prayer as having deep, meaningful conversations with God. In the scriptures, Jesus talks about prayer as a powerful tool used for life as He explains prayer is a way of drawing closer to God.

"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." -John 15:7

When I was younger I was very shy and quiet on the outside. Although I presented myself as shy and quiet; my mind was busy; full of questions. I never had a really close friend growing up until junior high. I was too shy to talk to anyone about these questions and things. Instead, I would talk to God as if He was my best friend, right beside me. I would tell Him everything including my worries, my heartache, something that made me happy, a question or something really interesting I learned. I poured out my heart every moment of the day. Over time, I grew closer to God. I discovered how prayer changed my life.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philipians 4:6-7

Prayer does several things:

  • Praying connects one to The King of the Universe. He is always drawing one in, no matter how far they have ran.

  • Prayer stops the chaos in the mind and brings peace to the tired soul no matter how crazy life is.

  • Prayer opens one's eyes to how precious life is and how to be thankful.

  • Prayer stops spiritual attacks against one's life.

  • Prayer opens the ears and eyes to what God is saying.

The lack of prayer throws one into a world of anxiety but their soul longs for God, reminding them to reach out to the One who loves them. Ever since I have stopped praying, I have been longing to talk with Him and be in that place where my heart is renewed each day as I surrender everything to Him. Prayer is powerful and it works.

I still struggle with praying. No one is perfect and that is okay. God loves you so much that even just a few minutes of prayer makes Him happy. He just wants to hear your thoughts and help you get to know Him. It takes practice. Sometimes when I don't know how to pray, I'll say "Holy Spirit; teach me how to pray..." Then I talk about my fears, my worries, what is happening in life, what I want and how I feel that day. After, I try to thank Him for something good in my life. Then, I ask Him to teach me to be a better person and to open my heart to His voice. Or I pray for a friend of mine. Prayer can happen anywhere, at any time. When I am driving by myself, I have these "car talks" with God where I talk as if God was sitting in the seat next to me. I am pretty sure some other drivers think I am a crazy person. [haha] Friends, prayer works, it is powerful. It gives peace, heals the sick, gives the hopeless hope and gives you access to a relationship with The GREAT I AM. He gives life.

All you have to do is begin.

Have a beautiful day!



Hi There

Hello, I am just popping in to let you know you can reach out to me or comment or whatever you like. Im here for you.

Happy Blogging! Cheers xox

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It's a beautiful gift.
And choosing love over hatred is really important.
Love over evil.
That's really important in this age that we're living in." 
-Yolande Korkie



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